
This policy is intended as a statement of the operating guidelines used by the Inaya Library in its acquisition and maintenance of library materials. Library administers all aspects of collection development and management. The goal of collection development is to make sure that the library adequately and fairly supports each teaching area of the IMC.

Collection development encompasses implementing, monitoring and evaluating the collection development program including selection and acquisition of library materials, determine collection development needs and priorities, evaluation of collection, weeding of materials, and departmental liaison, oversees expenditures of all library materials, while ordering, checking-in, claiming of materials is also controlled by the Library staff.


Collection development policy means the policy of the library with regard to the building of the collection as a whole.


The mission of the Collection Development policy is to ensure that the selection of library resources support the educational needs of the students, faculty, administration and staff of the Inaya Medical College.


The purpose of this Collection Development policy is to provide guidelines for the selection, acquisition, evaluation, and maintenance of library materials and to communicate these guidelines to all members of the Inaya College community, and is to serve as a reference for the library staff to follow when assessing potential acquisitions for the library collections, including print, non-print materials, electronic and other resources. The Library aims to be international in scope.


Library Director / Librarian

Implementation of Policy

Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Library Director/Librarian who may delegate to others a portion of that responsibility. While the broad outline of the policy remains constant, the specifics of implementing the policy will change as the College changes and as its expectations change.

Allocation of Funds

The Library Director /Librarian is responsible for the expenditure of all library funds. Recommendations for the allocation of library materials funds are made by the Library Director / Librarian and approved by the Dean / Approval authority. Allocations consider many criteria, including existing strengths and weaknesses of the collection, new course offerings, enrollment figures, number of majors, and more. Requests for changes in allocations will be directed to the concerned College authorities.

General Selection Guidelines

The selection criteria provide important guidelines to help ensure a well-rounded, useful collection that meets the needs of College community and judiciously spends the library's limited materials budget. The library acquires print materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, maps, etc.), audiovisuals materials and electronic resources.

Languages - Following the College’s bilingual model, the Library’s acquisition policy primarily focuses on English and Arabic material, except as needed for direct curriculum support.

Formats: Both in print and electronics

Recommendations to acquired information resources are evaluated but not limited to the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the Curriculum / Academic Programs
  • Reviews from authoritative sources and selection aids
  • Recommendations from Inaya College Community
  • Availability of resources from other sources
  • Relevance to professional growth
  • Historical / cultural value
  • Reputation of the author, issuing body, and/or publisher
  • Scope and Contents
  • Strength of present holdings in the same or similar subject
  • Cost

Selection Guidelines for specific type of materials & Limitations

Books will be considered for selection on the basis of recommendations from the Inaya community. Textbooks are purchased, when they supply information in areas in which they may be the best or the only source of information on the subject. Books authored by Inaya faculty are purchased when available.

Reference Materials - Specialized types of reference materials collected by Library include: encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, indexes and abstracts, bibliographies, directories, guides, statistical sources etc. The Library’s reference collection is designed to meet the basic research, and information needs of the community.

Electronic Resources and Services (Non-paper Materials) - The Library utilizes a variety of electronic information resources. These include online electronic products (databases, electronic books and journals as well as media-device accessed materials (CD-ROM, videotape, DVDs), etc.

Due to the high cost of electronic resources subscriptions, the Library director /Librarian is charged with making cost-effective and balanced purchase recommendations based on our institutional needs.

Free Internet Resources - Internet resources will be reviewed and chosen with the purpose of aiding the research process in support of the educational mission of the Inaya. Websites normally will be considered for inclusion in favorite folder based on recommendations from professional library staff (primary selectors), faculty, and students. Those sites that support the programs and curricula of the Inaya College will be given priority for inclusion.

Periodicals -
In selecting periodicals, the choices of the Faculty are important. Current subscriptions are placed at the request of faculty and on the basis of the expressed needs and interests of the library's users and will be renewed every year. Requests for new journals are considered throughout the year. The overall responsibility for the growth of the periodical collection lies on the Library Director / Librarian.

Each title will be reviewed as per the following criteria for subscription or cancellation:

  • Support of present academic curriculum
  • Strength of the existing collection in the title's subject area
  • Projected future use
  • Cost
  • Reputation of journal and the publisher
  • Inclusion in a reliable indexing source
  • Subscription of print version will cancel if the same is available electronically

Interdisciplinary collections – Library Services will collect materials that cross two or more disciplines

Government publications – Library Services may acquire selected government materials

Out-of-Print Materials - The majority of titles selected for purchase by faculty and library staff are current publications, however the library recognizes the need for some retrospective purchases, as well as the need to acquire replacement copies of damaged and lost books that are out-of-print

Maps –Library Services may collect atlases and maps

Collections of rare books, manuscripts, or archival material – Library Services will not actively collect rare books, manuscripts, or archival material. The college's archives are its own records deposited in the library for historical and administrative use. Materials include college catalogs, college publications, photographs, student publications, papers and memorabilia etc.

News Papers – Library Services collects newspapers in print form

Faculty Publications - Faculty members are requested to notify the library when their own publications are available. Gift copies are gratefully accepted or the library may order a copy

Selection Responsibility

Basically, selection is carried out according to the disciplines belonging to the college’s fields of study. In addition, the Library also buys material from related disciplines, provided that it is relevant to the college’s study and research focus. It is critically important that both print and electronic resources be available in libraries.

Responsibility for selection lays both with the faculty and the library staff. The teaching faculty serves as subject specialists for their respective disciplines and is encouraged to assess the adequacy of resources. It is hoped that faculty will monitor their professional literature for appropriate library acquisitions, and that they will make the library staff aware of material most useful for course requirements and for student research needs.

All materials selected for the collection will be reviewed in terms of cost, quality, suitability and collection balance before purchasing. Materials purchased with library funds become Library/college property and are available for circulation or for use in the library. The Library Director / Librarian will send the list of selected library materials to the concerned authorities for approval and permission for the purchase.

Selection Tools:

For selection of relevant materials current literature sources and new title announcement will be thoroughly reviewed by the library. There are number of book selection tools available online such as World Cat, Book Selection Tools on the Internet, on-line bookstores such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble etc., they may aid in the selection of materials. Another Internet site that provides publisher information is the Publishers’ Catalogues Home Page; this site offers an extensive list of publishers from around the world with links to publisher web sites. Book Wire, includes information about the book publishing industry, book reviews, themed book lists, and annotated links to book-related sites. Choice reviews are also available online.

The Library also relies on such selection tools as, Books in Print, Ulrich’s periodicals Directory, Guide to Reference Books to guide in selection. AcqWeb’s Directory of Publishers and Vendors provides links, organized by publishing category and alphabetically by name.

The library receives catalogs from numerous publishers. Inaya College staff and students are encouraged to consult and can use these publisher sources to keep up with new book publications and consider the recommendations in light of your own needs.

Request /Recommending Procedures (Suggest a Purchase)

Recommendations for the purchase of books, journals, media, electronic media, or other materials for the Library are welcome. The request procedure is very simple and flexible. The Library reserves the right to make all decisions on what to purchase but will try to fulfill as many appropriate requests as possible. Please check our library online catalog, to verify that the Library does not already own this item before submitting a recommendation for purchase.

  • Requests may submit in person or through e-mail by completing the Purchase Request Form.
  • Kindly forward the requests form to: Tel: 920001103 Ext:500 & 400
  • Requests/Suggestions may also be made directly to the Librarian /Director of Library
  • The latest editions will be acquired unless otherwise specified.
  • Title and author, ISBN and format (book, CD, etc.) are essential.
  • Publisher and date (and edition information) are usually required.
  • The name of the requestor is needed for tracking purposes.
  • If any of this information is missing, the order process will be delayed.
  • Publications can be requested at any time during the year.
  • Multiple copies of a work are acquired only to meet exceptional user demand.
  • Items must be ordered (2-3 months) before they are needed.
  • The requestor will also be notified, if an item is not available for any reason.
  • Library will place an order to the local vendor, supplier or directly to the publisher.
  • Rush Orders: Items needed for immediate use can be ordered direct from a publisher, which is subject to extra handling and shipping costs per book.
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