Library Sections / Units

The Library is divided into sections, each with its own areas of responsibility.

Administrative section
The Librarian is responsible for the overall administration of the library. All sections report to the Library Head.

Circulation Section
This is the first point of contact with readers. This is where questions such as who, what, when, where could be answered. Circulation involves the movement of books and materials through the lending cycle of shelf, to users, to return, and back to the shelf. All functions of this section are computerized and the transactions in this section based on the bar code technology.

Functions of Circulation System include:

  • Overseeing the borrowing of library materials and borrower records
  • Assisting borrowers to finding books and other items in the Library
  • Maintaining the order of the Library's print collections
  • Answering questions about policies such as loans, renewals, recalls, fines, and other policies
  • Place holds and recalls on circulating materials
  • Create and update user’s records
  • Maintain the stacks by shelving, shelf reading - often shifting areas to make room for the collection
  • Process overdue/book replacement and other financial operations

Collection Development ( Acquisition Section)
The library’s collection, products and services have been developed in response to specific information needs of our users. Collection development encompasses implementing, monitoring and evaluating the collection development program including Selection and Acquisition of library materials. Receiving and processing Gift materials, weeding of materials, and departmental liaison, oversees expenditures of all library materials, while ordering, checking-in, claiming of materials is also controlled by the Library staff.

This unit of the library provides library users with internet facilities and information from online databases such as ProQuest.

The Technical section
This is an area that deals with acquisition, processing and other activities that bothered on information material handling and administration. The Technical Section includes Classification, Cataloguing, arranging subject headings, checking and physical processing etc. of all the materials for the Library and feeding bibliographic data to maintain our database in our library Management System (KOHA). Books are arranged on the shelves in a classified order. Cataloguing and classification are used to develop an index of the library collection to enable users to determine the availability of resources.

Reference section
Library staff of the Reference section assists users in finding information and materials for their research and study and responsible for developing, maintaining and organizing reference section of the library. All reference materials, including books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, maps and atlases are located in the Reference Section and will be used in the library premises but not for lending.

Periodical section
This section is responsible for overall periodicals management, keeping track of the periodicals(magazines) in the library.

Library Communication
Attending all communications, external and internal correspondences, keeping contact with the publishers, distributors, vendors and book dealers/ suppliers, and institutions in connection with the procurement of reading materials for library, including cheque / bank draft request, invoice request, check-in, claiming, reminders etc. The activities include:
  • Answering queries that come to the library
  • Carry on public relations for library
  • Responds to users’ complaints and requests
  • Keeping active liaison with the departments and staff of IMC in order to seek their input
  • Maintaining effective relations with other libraries, organizations/institutions

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